Thursday, 19 January 2012

Countdown : 4 days 3 nights

Didn't post for such a loooong time. I was too lazy since the internet didn't work out the way I wanted it to be. and, I didn't get the computer to all myself. My sister was d one who has a great connection with the internet.

It's almost Chinese New Year now. tomorrow's gonna be the last day of school this week. We're celebrating Chinese New Year tomorrow. and what I got to do is to do a quite silly fan dance, especially when you got bad timing. Like sometimes, we were too fast that we were in our last position b4 the song finished, sometimes we were too slow, we weren't ready for the final position even though the song was finished.

anyways, can't wait for Monday XD

So, if I'm gonna be too lazy to post, let me just say happy chinese new year Gong Xi Fa Cai !


Saturday, 7 January 2012

School is A-P-P-R-O-A-C-H-I-N-G

Hi ! Is it a long time since I last posted. I guess not. After all, it's the ol' boring days AGAIN. So, there's no topic to talk about. Well, I'm just glad that school's approaching. I know it will be full of homeworks and stuff, but at least there's something to keep me us busy.

I guess my friends would be getting ready now :
Going home from vacation
Cleaning up their bags
Making sure everything's complete

Hahaa. Joke :p

So, I guess this is it. Besides, Chinese New Year is also approaching XD. Perfect combination ;).

Well, I missed my friends so much. Hello exciting school, bye bye ol' boring days. Hi to Chinese New Year too. I guess it ends here ! Going to watch 'Shake It Up !' so,


Sunday, 1 January 2012

Upgrading everything ...


I mean, where are my manners  ?

Hi !

How'd you past yesterday ? 31/12/2011 - which is a.k.a. last day if 2011 :( I'll miss 2011 soooooooo much.

Oh well, let the years past by, as I am sure and am positive that this year will be fun-filled with more memories to cherish.

I spent the countdown at the temple @ cemara asri yesterday. It was raining quite heavily though yesterday.

But we still had fun. It was SWEET ! ( i mean it literally -,- )

We had :
Popcorn caramel-flavoured my favourite. Yum !
Cotton candy
Ice cream :)


So, what I meant about the title is that I would like EVERYTHING to change in a better way. Like my handphone :D, I downloaded a few seasonal themes which most of them are animated

But most important of all, upgrading myself. I would like to change.
I would like :
* To say sorry to all people whom I hurt in 2011. I'll do my best to change my attitudes towards you guys.
* To say thank you to all who cared and loved me. Love ya' all !
* to Change the negative to positive

Happy New Year everybody ! Best regards from Bertha & family. May you all be as tough as the dragon in this Dragon Year - 2012 XD


Saturday, 31 December 2011

It's New Years Eve !

Yo ! Wazzup' ? Kinda trying to act as gangsta (there goes another one -,- )

Alright, STOP >=0

So, today's new years eve :) . Tomorrow's gonna be 2012. I expect fireworks, barongsai ( dragon mascot, used by the Chinese to represent luck, I guess )

Today I turned the TV on and logged in to Disney Channel, my favourite channel :).And they already prepared a few programs . special ones.

So, today is Phineas and Ferb : "Blast Through Time" which is a 7 hour special of Phineas and Ferb. They said : ................ without interruptions"   LIARS !!!!!!!!!!! They still conduct those special commercials to promote their new series and stuff.

So, Disney Channel had also made a Countdown-2012 event. We are able to log on to and vote for the top 12 movies and series to be shown on January of 1st and 2nd. So, I voted like just about thrice. and for the same series and movies of course. Looking forward :)

I guess I have nothing to say anymore .... and I think I put too much smileys already :( ( There goes another one -,- )

Right, bye


and btw, Happy New Years' Eve !!

Friday, 30 December 2011

I love BLUE and I know it


HI !!!!! :d


SORRY !!!!! :(

The HI is used for formal greetings ( or informal xp )

The SORRY is for not posting for such a loooooooooooooooooong time.

So, the title is just an extract copy from LMFAO - Sexy and I Know It

changed it a little bit. So ,well , I love blue.  I guess you all know it already. It was written clearly on my header before .

2 THINGS I like most is the colour blue and SNSD >.< adorable !! ( excluding people )

So, I browsed for pictures in google about SNSD picts and saw one of their wallpaper using blue clothes and dresses. I immediately downloaded that pict and made it my wallpaper in my handphone. Well, such a coincidence. most of my handphone wallpaper are blue. I munched-screen it and here are a few captures :

My front page a.k.a. wallpaper. Check yourself :

Sounds : silent ( which produces blue 'zzzzzs' on the upper left  )
SNSD pict : blue clothes ( told ya' -,- ! right in the middle :
From left to right :
Sunny , Hyoyeon , Jessica , Seohyun , Yoona ^_^ , Yuri , Taeyeon , Sooyoung , Tiffany )

The tabs : Blackberry Messenger, Phonebook, Media, Options

ALL BLUE !!!!!!!!!!! :)

My media page,
Music, Videos, Pictures ( highlighted area ), ringtones
Podcasts, video camera, voice notes recorder, voice notes ( covered by the munchscreen logo :(   )

My Blackberry Messenger page

Here's also a pict :

I LOVE BLUE . It really describes me really well and clearly. plus the glitters are perfect !!

Anyway, some adjustments before we come to an end :

1. My sister deleted her old URL ( )
  and made a new one ( ) Kindly follow and note which is new or old.

2. Check my list beside my post(s) I accidentally wrote Cynthiani's name while it's actually Agatha Rhea's blogger account. Apologies to all people involved. Gonna change it now. Please note :) Thanks.

I guess this is it.


Tuesday, 20 December 2011

Holiday's here again


Hi ! I'm bored and stuff. So, I usually liked holidays, especially all freedom times. But IDK now.

My activities are just like this nowadays :

Blackberry Messenger
Computer :
 - Blogging
 - Youtube

But today,

Blackberry :

*robot beeps*
*click, click, checking*
no instant messages
groups are quiet which is weird

stuffed my head inside my brain
*tick tock tick tock*
clocks sound which is usually not heard , but now heard
getting more bored and more bored
*huffs and puffs*

Computer :

 Yay ! ^_^ . Thanks


*beep beep*
starting computer ...
starting music
balloon pop-ups
*click, click, click* x all the pop-ups
opening the trustworthy google chrome
go to youtube home
keep on watching the same videos all the time

getting more bored and more bored
*huffs and puffs*

Yup, so that's just how I spend my holidays, excluding tuition and extra school -,- times.

This is going to be a long way to go

Happy holidays everyone !! Don't spend it like me !!


Monday, 19 December 2011


The title actually spells a title of a song sang by my favourites :d :

2 PM


So, they collaborated and sang this song. It was actually kinda, sort of a commercial but they made it as a music video which is CREATIVE ^_^.

It's kinda old but it's still so awesome, for me !!

They paired up 3 pairs and leftovers are leftovers :p LOL


Yoona ( SNSD ) & Taecyeon (2PM )
Yuri ( SNSD ) & Nickhun ( 2PM )


Both maknaes*  Seohyun ( SNSD ) & Chansung ( 2PM )

In my opinion, I like the 1st pair the best !!! Yoona + Taecyeon

So, well, I like the others too, but those too are my favourite !!



& seasons greetings ;)

*a maknae is the youngest member / person from each group